CURIOUS CAMPS: Lakes District – Victoria
The sporting clubs and councils of the Wimmera roll out the grass
Words and images Marg and Bruce Gow, Baby Boomers on the Road
Our ancient land is dotted with thousands of lakes, leftovers from prehistoric origins. Some are salt, some fresh water, all shapes and sizes.
The Mallee and Wimmera regions of Victoria have many lakes worth exploring, as they offer peace and quiet, low cost or free camping, on or off the grid. Here are just a few to consider for that break you’re thinking about.
Great Facilities
All of these have what you need. Toilets, showers, power, picnic tables, camp kitchens, playgrounds and grassy areas, all maintained by the local council or a sports club. Not all have mains water so it’s good to go there with full tanks. Some have caretakers, some an honesty box. You may need to consider your timing as many of these spots are popular, but there is usually plenty of room for all.
Wooroonook Lake is close to Charlton, a town with much to offer with its own Travellers Rest caravan park and amenities. The lake is not far out of town, with a few powered sites and plenty of space around the edge for unpowered parking.
Watchem Lake is at a tiny town with the same name, one of those nice little places that used to be much bigger. This is a smaller lake, as many are, and a stroll around the perimeter will only take you twenty minutes. The most noise you will hear comes from the birds.
Lake Tchum is not far from Watchem, each place being close to the town of Birchip, which sports an excellent bakery, as many country towns do.
So Many Options
These three lakes are not far apart and are only a small sample of what is available. There are plenty more. You can meander along and find your own special waterside views. Smaller towns are peaceful and friendly, and every dollar you spend on supplies, a pub or cafe meal, or filling your vehicle keeps them going. The lakes mentioned cost between $15 and $30 a night, and that includes power, less for off-grid.
When you need that little break, a few days to chill out and restore your soul, throw in a fishing rod and some books and explore our lakes.